'We Journey With Jesus Beside Us'

PE Curriculum

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it” Michael Jordan


PE Curriculum Intent 

We aim for our pupils to demonstrate determination and resilience to practise skills within a wide range of different activities and situations, both independently and collaboratively, and apply these skills to achieve improving levels of performance. Through both lessons and competitive opportunities, pupils learn the value of team-work, resilience and mutual respect. We aspire for pupils to develop a positive mind-set and a desire to achieve their personal goals as well as those of their team.

They develop the ability to take the initiative, lead, organise, officiate and instil good sporting attitudes in themselves and others.  

Our pupils’ ability to remain physically active for sustained periods of time is encouraged. Pupils discover the importance of exercise in promoting long-term health and emotional well-being.

They understand additional factors in leading a healthy lifestyle, including eating sensibly and avoiding harmful substances.

Pupils continue swimming lessons until they demonstrate the ability to swim at least 25m, and know how to remain safe in and around water.

Through this intent, our pupils are inspired to lead a physically fit and healthy lifestyle, and recognise the lifelong benefits to themselves.



Curriculum Implementation 

We use the Get Set 4 PE scheme of work planning tool to plan and deliver sessions and ensure all domains of knowledge are addressed. The PE Long Term Plan contains full details of the learning expectations of P.E. and links with the National Curriculum and Get Set 4 P.E. scheme of learning.

P.E. lessons take place for an hour every week and are taught progressively across the year groups, so that children achieve depth in their learning. A physical education knowledge and skills progression document identifies the key knowledge and skills of each unit taught.

As pupils progress through each unit of work, the key concepts will be explored and revisited to develop pupils’ knowledge, skills and competence in physical education:

Experiences and opportunities to develop fundamental movement skills encourage children to live active lifestyles and to become happy, healthy children. Consideration is given to extending children’s learning and how it will be demonstrated within each lesson, as well as how learners will be supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion. All children have access to the P.E. curriculum through activities, resources and equipment being tailored appropriately for children with SEND. Children learn through similar activities, with final outcomes modified to suit all needs. In addition, subject specific vocabulary is presented upon the whole-school P.E. display board, allowing frequent reinforcement throughout the year.

To enhance our provision, the sports premium funding is used to ensure our pupils have access to high quality sports and P.E. We offer extra-curricular clubs and regularly take part in sport events and competitions. We also  encourage our pupils to participate in sporting events and link up with local clubs.

Outcomes of P.E. units are regularly monitored to ensure that they reflect a good understanding of the curriculum area. Assessment opportunities are identified within each lesson to review children’s understanding and interpretation of their learning.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) follows the ‘Development Matters in the EYFS’ guidance which aims for all children in reception to have an understanding of health and self-care and have developed their movement and handling skills by the end of the academic year.


Curriculum Impact 

The impact of learning is measured through children’s physical competence and ability, alongside their involvement, commitment and enjoyment to sport. Where learning is not secure and aims are not met, additional learning takes place to address this.

A range of after school clubs are available and accessible to all children in school. Physical Education standards are monitored through continuous assessment against year group objectives.

As children progress throughout the school, they develop a deep knowledge and understanding of physical activity, an appreciation for sport and their importance as part of leading a healthy, happy lifestyle and becoming responsible, respectful and resilient individuals.

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St Dunstan's RC Primary School

Bacup Street
M40 9HF

Head Teacher- Mrs Eccles
Enquiries - Mrs R. Ellison
Senco - Mrs G. Baker

T: 0161 681 5665

E: [email protected]

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